I must have a thing for military rankings.
Why else would I follow up my recent post on Captain Jack Harkness with a post on yet another Captain crush?
I'm speaking, of course, of Captain James T. Kirk.
I saw Star Trek on Saturday and still can't stop blathering on about it. Simply put, it was fabulous. Fun, exciting, can't-wipe-the-smile-off-your-face pure moviemaking. If you haven't seen it yet, GO.
Part and parcel of that enjoyment was the portrayal of Captain Kirk by Chris Pine. By turns brash, hotheaded, wounded, sexy, and delightful, he brought a sense of fun and enthusiasm to the character that added immeasurably to the experience. There's one particular scene -- after he first arrives on the Enterprise -- that almost had me falling out of my seat, I was laughing so hard.
Plus, he's damn cute.
So there you go. My third Captain crush, Captain Jim Kirk. (For those keeping score at home, Captain Jack Sparrow was the first, though I didn't blog about him at the time.) Huh -- two Captain Jacks and a Captain Jim. What are the odds?
Discussion question -- have you seen the new Star Trek movie? If so, who caught your eye? What did you think?
I saw the movie on Saturday....I saw the movie again last night.....
Tells you what I think? LOL
It was amazing! I *ducks head* HATE the old Star Trek movies. I did watch TNG with my dad while growing up...but that was about it.
I LOVED KIRK AND SPOCK. I love that Spock got the girl! I loved that I had tears in my eyes within the first 10 minutes of the movie! I can't WAIT for it to come out on DVD so that I can glom glom glom!
It was very interesting for me to read the blog. Thank author for it. I like such themes and anything that is connected to this matter. I definitely want to read more on that blog soon.
It is certainly interesting for me to read the blog. Thanks for it. I like such themes and anything connected to this matter. I definitely want to read a bit more on that blog soon.
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