Wednesday, August 09, 2006


I'm not much for redecorating. Oh, I love to browse through all those fancy magazines, the ones that focus on one or two rooms in the house and all the great ways you could spend oodles of cash to make them really stand out.

The closest I've come to having a fancy decorating look at my house is talking my DH into painting the bathroom walls light beige, with a white beadboard accent around the lower third of the walls. Woo-hoo! Just call me daring!

So it's kind of funny to see how many incarnations my website has gone through. I've changed themes, background colors and pictures, layout...the list goes on and on.

Which, I suppose, is just a fancy way to announce my redecorated digs on the web at I've changed the layout of the front page, added some new links, and tidied up a bit. Plus, I've added in snippets from the reviews I've gotten in the past few days (which have left me grinning from ear to ear).

I hope you'll stop by, take a look around, maybe have some cookies and punch. Let me know what you like, as well as what you'd change (or add). I may not be America's Next Interior Decorator (and if that's not a reality show yet, it should be -- and I volunteer my house for the test subject!), but I'm sure I'll be fiddling with my website for many years to come.


Julie in Ohio said...

Hey, Kate, I like the new look!

The idea of redecorating gives me hives. My dh and I bought a house 5 years ago. When we moved in *everything* was beige. The walls. The carpets. EVERY ROOM. I have been trying to get the walls painted. I have done three rooms. Three rooms in five years.

So if you would like to nominate me for Extreme Home Makeover, I would be greatly appreciative. :P

Kate Davies said...

Thanks, Julie!

I feel your pain. Our house was a master's degree project in interior design in the early '70s. We've been slowly getting rid of the orange plush carpet, the silver and brown wallpaper, and the scary linoleum. The grasscloth wallpaper will hopefully be the next to go!

And I may have to fight you for that Home Makeover nomination. Tiddlywinks at twenty paces? :)