Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Thursday Thirteen #20 -- Solstice Edition


In honor of the first day of summer here in the northern hemisphere, here are my thirteen favorite things about the season:

1. Bruschetta. Yeah, I know, I'm a bit obsessive about it this week. Here's a pic of my actual dinner, not borrowed from Google Image Search:

(recipe below, in previous post)

2. Sprinklers. Kids played in the spray this evening for almost an hour.

3. Leaving the windows open at night.

4. Roses in bloom.

5. Shorts and tank tops.

6. The scent of ripe blackberries. (Okay, that's actually later in the summer, but I still love it.)

7. The extra hours of sunlight.

8. Boating. We don't actually have a boat, but sometimes our friends take pity on us and take us out on the water.

9. Strawberries from the berry stand down the road. Homemade jam, strawberry shortcake, strawberries dipped in sour cream and brown sugar -- yum!

10. Road Trips!

11. Sitting on the front porch, watching the kids play with the neighbors late into the evening.

12. Ice cream cones.

13. Vacation. This year we're going to Disneyland, baby!

What's your favorite thing about summer? Or, if you're down south, what's the best thing about winter?


Mama's Moon said...

Oooh! This list makes me even that much more excited about summer! Thanks for the recipe, too! I'll be trying it out this week!

Anonymous said...

I love the fireworks...can't have summer without them! :) Great list, I have never tried strawberries with sourcream & brown sugar....going to have to give it a go! :) Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

:D I love all yoru list. Well, summer is great, isn't it?

Have a great vacation!

Anonymous said...

Nice pic of your dinner. I'm jealous.

I love lying in the hammock. Going to the pool. Sitting on the deck when hubby comes home from work and admiring my flowers. Ooh, and watching my garden grow.

Amy Ruttan said...

I am so glad it's summer. I love summer and those are all great reasons. Mmmmm bruschetta.

Happy TT and thanks for dropping by mine.

Anonymous said...

Lovely list. You make me homesick for America. I can't wait to go back. Only another 40 days or so.

Thanks for reminding me what I love about home.

Anonymous said...

Did someone say ice cream?

Happy TT!

MsSnarkyPants said...

This is so funny! The last TT I read was what they hate about summer. I love going to the river! My little guy is just big enough now.

Anonymous said...

The best thing about summer in Florida is swimming pools and cold drinks. LOL!

Anonymous said...

Going barefoot, long days, my garden, and swimming. But not summer reruns and bugs.

Kate Davies said...

Thanks everyone for stopping by! And I'm loving all the reminders of great things about summer. It was actually pretty cold today, so I'm looking forward to enjoying some nicer weather soon!

Anonymous said...

Great list! I love the late evening light. I can walk to the pub after rehearsal and it's still light out. How fabu is that? And I can walk there in birks without socks! ;)