So yesterday morning I wake up to find the DH has made cinnamon rolls for breakfast AND done the dishes. Nice way to start the day! After breakfast we headed to the family room where the kids gave me their school-made presents -- a bookmark, a sachet, a decorated mug -- and I opened a few cards. Then the DH handed me a card from the kids with a post-it inside.
Thus started my adventure. In order, here are the clues:
1. Happy Mom's Day to you. Look in my closet in one of my shoes.
2. (In DH's dress shoe) You found me, way to be. Look by the TV.
3. (Under the back right corner of the downstairs television) Back upstairs you go. To the medicine cabinet. Don't be slow.
4. (Tucked in toothbrush packaging) Down you go pitter patter pitter pat. Look inside the Western hat.
5. (WWU baseball cap in front closet) Outside you go to the garage what a drag. Check out the lawn mower bag.
6. (Lawn mower bag, of course, in our detached garage.) What a long way you went. Back inside to child #3's tent.
7. (Play tent in child's room) You found this one, ain't life grand? Go check inside your lovely van.
8. (Under back seat) Go go go you are moving real slow. You will surely thank the kids a bunch. How about some Cap'n Crunch?
9. (Bottom of box in cabinet) Upstairs I do command. Do you think it's in a nightstand?
10. (Bottom drawer of DH's nightstand) To the basement shoo shoo shoo. I really want you to Love Me Do.
11. (Do you KNOW how many Beatles CDs we own? I do now. In the jewel box.) I hope you've had a nice trip. Look in the family room rip.
12. (Our family room couch has a rip in one of the cushions. It's there.) The treasure is close and not so faint, where do we keep the paint?
13. (Paint cabinet in basement) This is exhausting, you look really pale. Maybe you should send the mail.
14. (In mailbox on porch) They will say she ran and she ran. How about the X-mas tree stand?
15. (Back to the basement and the holiday decorations) The treasure you want so make your stand. I think it is in one of your baby's hands.
Back to the family room, where the three kids are standing in a row with their hands behind their backs. Middle child finally hands me a wrapped present, which I open to find a velvet box. Inside is this:

It's hard to see the colors, but it's a mother's birthstone pendant with my kids' birthstones -- peridot, diamond, peridot. Absolutely gorgeous, and completely unexpected. DH really outdid himself this year.
Then we headed to the in-laws for lunch and an impromptu game of Wiffleball -- kids against grown-ups -- before collapsing for the night. It was all in all a perfect day.
Hope your Mother's Day was everything you wanted it to be!