I've got a couple of great reasons to celebrate today.
Taking the Cake is available from Samhain! I've waited years to be able to say I'm a published romance author, and now that day has arrived! Let me tell you, it's a wonderful feeling. :)
I love writing, and I can't imagine my life without being a writer in some form. But to know that what I've written is going to be read and, hopefully, enjoyed by readers -- well, it's a dream come true.
So the book is out, and people are buying it -- which brings me to my second bit of great news.
My fabulous editor, Angie, e-mailed a bit ago to tell me that Taking the Cake made it on the bestseller's list at
My Bookstore and More, Samhain's bookstore. I was hoping down deep that maybe, possibly, I might hit the list sometime in the next couple of weeks -- but never dreamed I'd get there on release day! See, MBaM calculates its bestseller list based on sales over a three-week period, so most of the titles have been in release for a while before ending up on the list.
When Angie told me about it, TtC was at number six. I just checked again, and it's moved up to number five! In other words, only four other books at Samhain have sold as much in the last three weeks as TtC has managed in one day!

One day! I'm still over the moon!
My book may not be on the list for very long, but I'm sure enjoying every minute of it while I can!
So thank you, everyone, who's bought a copy. Thanks for every encouraging e-mail, for the good wishes, for the support. In so many ways, I couldn't have done it without you.
So thanks! And I really hope that you enjoy reading the book as much as I enjoyed writing it.