Yes, I know, boring as oatmeal, but timely. And I figure if I set thirteen goals for the year, I'm bound to keep at least ONE of them!
1. Write every day. May have to participate in Club 100 just to kick start the habit again.
2. Write at least two new manuscripts in 2007.
3. Sell at least two manuscripts in 2007.
4. Start up the great agent safari once again.
5. Turn my website over to someone who knows what they're doing. I love fiddling with my site but it's time to let the professionals take over!
6. Work out, for real, three times a week minimum. No more "lowest setting on the recumbent bike so I can read" fake-outs.
7. In the same vein, actually WIN the Wellness Challenge in at least one category this year. I'm tired of missing first place by two or three points. I'm in it for the COIN, baby!
8. Find and destroy the cobwebs before DH can point them out.
9. Continue Date Night at least once a month with DH.
10. Start planning meals more than an hour in advance, and limit eating out to no more than once a week.
11. Create a business and promo plan, and stick to it.
12. Keep up with birthdays and anniversaries.
13. Read more romance! (Okay, I'll fess up. I threw this one in there so I'd be sure to accomplish at least one goal this year.)
So what's your resolution for 2007?