Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Boy Next Door

Not sure if you know this, but one of my very favorite romance storylines is best-friends-turned-lovers. (The blurb for Challenging Carter might be a hint -- LOL!) Well, Jessica Jarman has a new release out with Samhain, The Boy Next Door, and it sounds like just my cup of tea! Check it out...

The last thing Darcy Phillips wants after the end of a disastrous relationship is to get involved with another man. Being free and unattached was the plan until her old pal Thomas "Mac" MacAllister strolls back into her life.

Mac has always loved Darcy but the timing was always wrong. Now, she’s home and unattached. And after a night of wine and conversation, things turn hot fast. But Darcy isn’t ready for more than the physical and she definitely doesn’t want anyone knowing what the two of them are up to. Especially her mother.

It isn’t long, though, before Mac wants more. Much more. Yet Darcy isn’t sure she’s willing to risk their long-time relationship for something as dangerous as love. But Mac is a man who knows what he wants and he’s not afraid to go after it.

Using their incendiary passion as a starting point, Mac sets out to win the girl of his dreams and show her that everything she wants…is right next door.
Sounds great, doesn't it? Think I'm gonna trundle on over to My Bookstore and More to pick up a copy. Don't forget, every purchase through the 31st gets you in a drawing for an e-reader!

Saturday, January 27, 2007

My Anthology is Officially Named!

A big, big thank you to everyone who entered my Name that Anthology Contest! By the end of the contest, I found that my biggest problem was narrowing the field down to the eventual winner. I'm impressed with the creativity that was evident in all the submissions!

But narrow it down I did, and I'm thrilled to announce that my three-novella anthology, to be available in print later this year, will be called Tease Me, Please Me.
More than one person suggested this title, either just like this or a variation, so to be fair I chose the first mention of it as the contest winner. Big congrats to...

Becka, I'll be contacting you off-blog to get your prize to you. (That is, as soon as my author copies show up. LOL)

Thanks again, everyone, for participating. I really appreciate it!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Thirteen Songs I Downloaded This Week

So the DH and I signed up for a trial of a music service last week, offering 25 free downloads in the first 14 days of membership. We could pick Any! Songs! We! Wanted!

Unfortunately, we soon discovered that the songs we wanted weren't anywhere to be found on this website. Oldies? Not the ones we liked. New Hits? Only if we wanted the Karaoke versions. Offbeat choices? Yeah, right.

I'm nothing if not stubborn, though, so I've been scouring my old mix tapes for songs I liked way back when and don't have on CD yet. I'm at about a 1-in-10 success rate, but I'm finally closing in on those 25. As soon as I hit the limit, I'm cancelling membership, because man, I can't imagine spending a monthly fee to not download music. :)

Here's what I've found -- some oldies, some singer/songwriters recommended by friends, some oddballs.

1. Five O'Clock World by Vogues
2. Metro by Berlin
3. Pump Up The Volume by Colourbox
4. Sun Won't Stop by Holly Near
5. Alleluia by Dar Williams
6. On the Road Again by Canned Heat
7. Rock N Roll Fantasy by the Kinks
8. Happy Home by Paula Cole
9. Everytime We Touch by Trinity
10. Diamonds and Guns by The Transplants
11. Boom Boom by John Lee Hooker
12. Elvis is Everywhere by Mojo Nixon
13. Sugar Sugar by the Archies

If you've got any suggestions, I welcome them! They're bound to have at least a couple...

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Thanks, and a Yummy Book!

A big, big thank you to all of you who entered my Name that Anthology contest! I got some great suggestions, and the list is being narrowed as we speak. I'll announce the winning title later in the week!

In the meantime, I wanted to let you know about a great new book I just finished, by new author Dawn Calvert. Hero Worship is a fun and entirely captivating twist on historical paranormal romance, and I highly recommend it. Here's some info:

Fantasy vs. Reality

One moment Andi Lofton-Hale was an English teacher worn out by another bad blind date, tucked in with a Regency romance. The next, she’s face to face with the magnificent hero of Wedgfeld Hall: tall, black-haired, sinfully sexy Nathaniel Chamberlain. Is he real? Does she care? Nathaniel is the man of her wildest dreams.

However, there is a catch.

Andi is a minor character, not the heroine destined to win Nathaniel’s heart. He tells her it’s lunacy to come between an author and her plot…anything might happen! But Andi’s determined to rewrite her life, scandalize all of London, and make a brilliant match, before she can seize everything temptation has to offer…between the covers.

This book is a very fun read and I highly recommend it. So does Romantic Times -- it's been nominated for Most Innovative Historical Romance of 2006. So go out and get yourself a copy today!

Friday, January 19, 2007

Contest -- I Need Your Help!

I have good news and bad news.

The good news? Now that Challenging Carter is done and ready for release (yay!), all three strip-themed novellas are eligible for print release as a single-author anthology.

The bad news? In order to get the anthology on the print schedule, I need a title.

So I've been trying to come up with a great, catchy title that encompasses all three stories. Have I had any luck? Um, no.

That's where you come in. Today through Sunday, January 21, I'll be holding a title contest here on my blog. And if your title suggestion is selected, you WIN!

What can you win? An advance copy of Challenging Carter, as well as an acknowledgement in the print anthology.

A few guidelines - post your title suggestions in the comments section. If you have more than one suggestion, include them all in the same comment (unless you have another brainstorm after your first post). And do try to keep it to no more than ten per entrant.

Here are the blurbs for all three novellas, to give you a feel for the themes:

A walk on the wild side with her favorite bad boy is just what this good girl needs!

Mollie Mason is sure her night can't get any worse. Stuck in an inflatable rubber cake, she overhears her fiancé slamming her to the entire guest list of his bachelor party—and then she catches him cheating! But discovering her high school crush has witnessed her humiliation is the icing on the cake.

Cade Gallagher has wanted Mollie for years. And when she asks him to help her prove to the world—and herself—that she's not just a good girl, he knows he'd be a fool to say no. But she wants a temporary fling. Will two weeks be enough time to convince her to take a chance on him—forever?

He's vice. She's nice. This potent combination has to be handled with care...

It seemed easy enough. Hit the local all-male strip club, pick a likely target, and hire him for her best friend's bachelorette party. But the stripper who catches Caroline's eye has a different agenda. He's an undercover cop, and Caroline ends up under arrest – for solicitation!

Tony DiMarco realizes too late that he's made a mistake. Caroline's reputation and business are suffering, and he feels responsible. He feels something else, too – the pull of red-hot desire. He wants Caroline, but she's afraid that he's just trying to make up for his mistake. Can this determined vice cop teach her to trust again?

When the stakes are high, she's ready to shed more than her inhibitions—but will the man of her dreams rise to the challenge?

Dani's been in love with Carter forever. But she's nothing like the women he dates—glamorous, exciting, spotlight-ready. Instead, she's stuck in the 'best friend' role and can't seem to find a way out of it. Until a scheduling mix-up finds her enrolled in a strip aerobics class. Now this buttoned-down wallflower is finding her wicked side—and liking it!

What in the world happened to Carter's best bud? She's gone from sweet to sexy in ten seconds flat—and Carter's lucky enough to be around for the ride of a lifetime. But he knows from past experience that relationships don't last. He's got to get things back on track before the most important friendship in his life is damaged forever.

Problem is, Dani has no intention of going back to being "just friends". It's about time someone challenged Carter's assumptions about love and friendship—and Dani's just the woman to do it!

So there you have it. Three books, three blurbs, one all-encompassing, fun title needed! Thanks for your help, and good luck!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Thirteen Movies In My Netflix Queue

Well, I finally did it. After hearing so many people rave about Netflix, I broke down and signed up for the free trial this weekend. I haven't received my first delivery yet, but already I've added a bunch of movies to my queue. Some are for me, some are my husband's pics, and I've even picked a few for the kids. Here, in no particular order, are some of those movies:

1. The Queen

2. Sweet Home Alabama

3. The Devil Wears Prada

4. Brokeback Mountain

5. The Producers (new version)

6. Crash

7. Little Miss Sunshine

8. The Importance of Being Earnest (I love me some Colin Firth!)

9. The Sopranos Season 6

10. The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe

11. Stranger than Fiction

12. For Your Consideration

13. Crash

As you can see, I'm a bit behind on some of these. With three kids, we hardly ever get to see movies in the theater, and by the time I hit the video store I tend to forget what I'd wanted to see when it was released!

So my question for you is, what movies should I add to my queue? What have I missed that you recommend?

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Goin' Shoppin'

Yep, it's Tuesday... and you know what that means!

Release day at Samhain!

I just ran over to My Bookstore and More and picked up my very own copy of Forever Valentine, by Bianca D'Arc.

I'm a huge Bianca D'Arc fan (keep an eye out for my review of Lords of the Were, coming soon!), and the description of this book has had me champing at the bit for ages! Doesn't this sound yummy?

A Valentine's date gone wrong marks the beginning of a love that will last for all time.

Jena knows about vampires, particularly about the one who watches her every step, lest she somehow reveal her knowledge to the mortal world. Ian Sinclair would be her executioner should she even try to share her knowledge, but she doesn't fear him. No, Ian bothers her on an even more elemental level. He's just too sexy for his own good-and hers.

Ian finds himself attracted to the all-too-mortal lady doctor, though he knows better. He's been assigned to watch her, not seduce her, but seduction seems to be all he can think of when he looks at the gorgeous woman who works entirely too hard and has such sad eyes. He feels things he hasn't felt in centuries when she's around, including an unreasonable jealousy when he follows her on a Valentine's date with one of her colleagues.

After the disastrous date, will they both be able to resist temptation when Jena invites the vampire in?

Don't forget, every purchase and/or review at My Bookstore and More in the month of January gets you in the drawing for one of TWO ebook readers!

Question: What book are you anxiously awaiting now?

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Thirteen Movies I Could Watch Over and Over

Thirteen Movies I Love

Is it Thursday already? I'm writing this up a little early, because inclement weather is supposed to have us hunkered down for the rest of the week, plus I'm trying to type with wrist splints on. D#$^ carpal tunnel syndrome...

Anyway, I thought I'd list my favorite movies to re-watch -- the ones I never get tired of seeing again. And again.

Here they are, in no particular order:

1. While You Were Sleeping
2. Pride and Prejudice, A & E miniseries version
3. Notting Hill
4. Casablanca
5. Singin' in the Rain
6. The Wizard of Oz
7. Star Wars
8. Beauty and the Beast
9. Rear Window
10. It Happened One Night
11. Breakfast Club
12. Roman Holiday
13. Cars (Oh. Wait. That's not me, that's my son. Well, what the heck--I've seen it often enough!)

How about you? What movie can you watch again and again without getting sick of it?

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Contests, Contests, We've Got Contests!

Do ya feel lucky?


Do ya?

You should. Because there are contests galore popping out of the woodwork right now. And you, yes, you, could be a winner!

First and foremost, I want to mention the one year anniversary contest over at My Bookstore and More. This nifty online bookseller, the distributor of Samhain books (and more, hence the name), is celebrating its first anniversary with a great contest. Buy a book or post a review anytime between now and the end of the month, and you could win one of TWO REB 1150 e-readers!

All you have to do to be eligible for the drawing is post a review on MBaM, make a purchase from MBaM or you can send a self-addressed card and say "I want to win an ebook reader!" to 2932 Ross Clark Circle #384 Dothan AL 36301.

Drawing to be held February 15th. All sales and reviews posted in January and postcards marked by Jan 31 are eligible.

Next, Preditors and Editors is holding their annual Reader's Poll. It's your chance to vote for best publisher, author, book, cover artist -- and they're giving prizes at random to voters! You could win free books, t-shirts, small cash prizes -- the list is growing as more sponsors join in. You've got until January 14 to vote, so pop on over and get your name in the drawing!

Want to enter a contest with a mystery prize? Lucy Monroe is celebrating the release of her February Harlequin Presents title, The Sicilian's Marriage Arrangement, by holding a contest for "a special prize"! Drop by her website to enter.

You've got until the end of the month with that one, as well.

Finally, there's my contest. Or should I say contests, because I have one every month. It's super-easy to enter -- all you have to do is sign up for my newsletter. All newsletter recipients are eligible for each month's prize, which range from advance copies of my books, to bookstore gift certificates, to other fun prizes! This month, you could win an advance copy of Challenging Carter, my February 13 release.

So there you go. A plethora of contests to choose from. Good luck!

Today's question: do you have a contest to share? Post the info in the comments section!

Sunday, January 07, 2007

We Have A Winner!

Well, it's Sunday, and time to draw a winner in my Best Books Of 2006 contest! I've thoroughly enjoyed browsing the lists all of you have posted -- though my credit card doesn't share my enthusiasm! (I can tell there are a LOT of books being added to my "buy it now" list!)

So, without further ado, congratulations to:


Robin, if you click on my profile, you'll find my e-mail address -- send me your snail mail address, and I'll pop a copy of Beginnings: A Samhain Anthology in the mail to you.

Congratulations again, and best wishes for a year of great reading to everyone!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Thursday Thirteen, and a contest!

Thirteen Favorite Books of 2006

This was a great year for reading, in my opinion. So many excellent authors, so many fabulous books! So below I'll be listing my favorite 13 books of the year. (Believe me, it was tough to narrow down.)

And to celebrate great reading, I'm adding a contest to this Thursday Thirteen post! All you have to do is post your favorite books of 2006 (don't worry, you don't have to come up with thirteen), and you'll be entered in to a drawing to win a copy of Beginnings: A Samhain Anthology, which includes my time travel romance, Ritual Love, as well as five more fabulous stories! The winner will be drawn on Sunday, January 7, so get your comments in soon!

Here's my list -- I'm looking forward to seeing yours!

The Smoke Thief, by Shana Abe -- a mesmerizing combination of paranormal and historical that absolutely captivated me.

Just For Kicks, by Susan Andersen -- I love her showgirls, and she writes kids better than anyone!

The Hunt, by Allison Brennan -- a great, tight, suspense-filled thriller.

Into the Storm, by Suzanne Brockmann -- I want to be Suz when I grow up.

Tempt Me, by Caroline Cross -- Part of her Men of Steele series, this sexy Silhouette Desire title blew me away. And i just discovered while finding a link for it that the next book in the series is out now! Woo-hoo!

Long Strange Trip, by Vicki Gaia -- A great sixties-set novel that made me smile.

Unleash the Night, by Sherrilyn Kenyon -- I discovered the Dark-Hunter series a little over a year ago, and have devoured all of them. Loved Wren's story, though Nick is breaking my heart.

Devil in Winter, by Lisa Kleypas -- Part of the Wallflowers series. I had no idea how Ms. Kleypas was going to redeem Sebastian, and was thoroughly delighted with the results!

Nauti Boy, by Lora Leigh -- Yes, I was one of the lucky ones who bought this from Samhain on release day, before Berkley got their hands on it. Yes, I know everyone else has to wait for it to come out in paperback in March. Yes, I'm gloating.

Take Me, by Lucy Monroe -- A wonderful conclusion to her Selwyn family historical trilogy.

and ABLE, by Lucy Monroe -- Yeah, two by Lucy. Sue me. :) Another great conclusion to a trilogy, this time to her mercenaries series.

On the Way to the Wedding, by Julia Quinn -- I read and loved the entire Bridgerton series this year, but OTWTTW was the most recently published, so I narrowed it down. :)

Impulse, by JoAnn Ross -- I'd read a grocery list by JoAnn. She's that good.

I could go on and on, but I'll defer to the comments section for more titles (and I wouldn't be surprised to see more than a few end up on my TBB list!!). Don't forget, everyone who posts is eligible to win!

Happy New Year -- and a contest tomorrow!

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Happy New Year!

I hope 2007 holds wonderful things for each and every one of you.

I just wanted to let you know that I'll be holding a contest on my blog tomorrow, Thursday the 4th, so be sure to drop by and enter!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Five Things You Might Not Know About Me

Well, Lucy Monroe tagged me for this blog topic, so I'm back! :) (Thanks, Lucy!) In turn, I'm tagging Diane Craver, a fabulous new author with her first Samhain release out this week, and Bianca D'Arc, another amazing Samhain author (who has THREE new releases out -- way to go, Bianca!)

Okay, on to the topic. Um. Five things? Well, here goes...
  1. One of my first jobs was as the Easter Bunny. At the local mall, taking pictures with little kids. I still sometimes wonder about the long-term effects of sitting there wearing a giant plastic-and-fake-fur head, breathing in the Lysol fumes for hours.
  2. My first three (unpublished) romances were targeted to the 'sweet' romance market. (Read: no sex.) If you've read any of my books, you'll understand why this might be a surprise. J After my third manuscript was done, I decided to try (in the words of Monty Python) something completely different. I wrote Taking the Cake, and the rest is history!
  3. As a teen, I worked in the ticket booth at an old movie theater in a not-so-good area of my hometown. One day, I received a delivery from the florist down the block – a beautiful crystal bowl, with two full-blown roses floating in it. A passionate, earnest, anonymous letter was attached. Problem is, I was filling in for someone else that day, and neither of our names was on the card. To this day, I still joke about being the only person I know who's received a love letter addressed to "occupant".
  4. I once sang karaoke in a Philippine restaurant in the middle of downtown Munich, Germany. (They had a very limited repertoire of English-language songs – I ended up muddling my way through the theme from Mahogany.)
  5. I first started reading romance when my second child was born. So – five and a half years now? It's absolutely amazing to me, just to think about it, because I'm such a diehard fan these days. Well, better late than never!
Okay, your turn. What might people not know about you?