I've also found a lot of kindred spirits, or women who want to be, around my new home. When I started the "Sexual Suffragettes" I had no idea the group would grow so quickly. We've got three of them meeting in and around the city now. But I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Women want the freedom to be sexual beings without seeing themselves as defective and others seeing them as having loose morals.
You all get that right? It's kind of like the difference between erotica and erotic romance. I hear a lot of people have a hard time defining it, or comprehending the distinction. I'm not one of them. It's the difference between sex for the sake of sex and sex as a natural progression of emotion. You know? Living as a sexual being means that sometimes you are going to have both, but being a woman means that the emotional component makes sex more satisfying.
That's true for men too, by the way. Locker room humor aside, studies have shown that men in a committed sexual relationship tend to be more content and even productive.
That doesn't mean that most men and women, for that matter, have no hang-ups when it comes to the commitment part. Giving yourself to another person, promising a lifetime - that's not an easy thing to do. Trust me, I know. In fact, it's not something I *ever* planned to do.
So, how did I end up starring in a romance novel? Well, that's Lucy's story to tell and she does it well, if I do say so myself, in DEAL WITH THIS. Hope you read it!