Monday, June 30, 2008

It's Here!

HOOKED is now available at Siren! *happy dance*

Today's the last day to enter the beach blanket blog party contest. All posts through midnight PST will be entered in the drawing for some great prizes! Winners will be announced in the next day or two -- I'm spending tomorrow on the road, so it may be Wednesday before I can post the winners.

Thanks, again, for hanging out with me during the blog party. I've had a good time, and hope you have as well. I look forward to hanging out with you again soon!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Choose the Author Photo

So I asked my cousin to take some photos at the beach so I could update my author photo. I really liked the pics she took, and am having a hard time deciding which to choose. Below are my three favorite.
Which one do you like best? Or should I try again?

Selection A

Selection B

Selection C

Siren/Bookstrand Readership Drive!

Are you a member of the Siren/Bookstrand yahoo group yet? If not, today's the day to join! Tons of prizes are scheduled to be given away during the Membership Drive from 9:00 am-Midnight EST. Go here to sign up -- and read on to see what's happening!

Blog Scavenger Hunt at 10am, 12pm, 2pm, 4pm, 6pm, 8pm, and 10pm. Answers can be found at Display all posts made by any author by clicking on their name at the bottom of their most recent post (Labels: Author's Name).

Author Page Scavenger Hunt at 10:30am, 12:30pm, 2:30pm, 4:30pm, 6:30pm, 8:30pm, and 10:30pm. Answers can be found at the author's page at either or website in bio, the interview Q&A, or the book reviews.

Excerpt Scavenger Hunt at 11am., 1pm, 3pm, 5pm, 7pm, 9pm, and 11pm. Answers can be found at,, or the author's own website.

INSTRUCTIONS: From each scavenger hunt, participants have 90 minutes to send in the answers to ALL the questions posted by the hosts. Post your answers in one go either in this loop or send an email to The winners are the FIRST four participants who sent in the correct answers to all questions in each hunt session (not 1 answer can be wrong). The 4 winners in each round win an e-book of choice from either Siren or BookStrand, including available ARCs of upcoming releases. Not responsible for delays in postings. We go by whatever Yahoo sent through.

Hope to see you there!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Note to Self...

1. If setting blog posts to go live at some point in the future, it's helpful to choose the right date.

2. If planning to use Wi-Fi while on vacation to provide backup in case said blog posts don't post on time, make sure Wi-Fi is actually available at the vacation site.

Sorry there was no new post Wednesday. See notes above for reason. On the other hand, the reunion was great, seeing some family members again after years(!) was wonderful, and the campground/vacation housing was super. I'll have lots of pictures up later to share. In the meantime, enjoy the sunset from Fort Worden State Park, on Puget Sound in Washington State...

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Hooked -- First Excerpt

A blog party just isn't a blog party without some excerpts, don't you agree? So here's the first of them, a PG-rated introduction to the characters and the story. Enjoy!

Captain Dylan was flirting with her.

Not blatantly, of course. Just a little extra eye contact, a smile that promised more. A touch on the shoulder to steady her when the boat lurched down yet another monster wave. Some pseudo-concerned expression meant to weaken her defenses.

Her defenses were already weak enough, thank you very much.

Her face was green and her hair was limp and tangled from the constant barrage of salt spray. The smell of diesel and burnt coffee, combined with the continual roll of the boat, made her stomach heave. She was decked out head to toe in completely inappropriate “outdoorsy” resort wear, clothes so new the creases hadn’t even been worked out yet.

She looked ridiculous.

So why in the world was he coming on to her?

She glanced around at all the other passengers. Maybe the fact that she was the only female on the charter fishing trip had something to do with it.

Great. She was a target by default.

Well, this couldn’t go on. She was in town for work, not a roll in the hay. Especially with a devil-may-care fishing boat captain like Dylan. Her father’s example had taught her well—stay away from playboys.

“Look.” She swallowed down her nausea as the boat pitched down another rolling wave. “I appreciate the thought, but you’re wasting your time.”

“Excuse me?” Slate-blue eyes reflected the rich color of the ocean under the cloudy sky. A puzzled frown settled over his features.

She waved a hand vaguely between them, then clutched the slick railing again as the boat struggled its way back up the wave. “I’m sure lots of women are flattered when someone like you hits on them, but I’m not one of them.” Madison winced inwardly at the snobbish tone in her voice. Dimly, she wondered when she’d started channeling her mother.

“You thought I was hitting on you?” Amazingly, he looked almost insulted, his shoulders pulling down and back as he straightened.

“Flirting. Whatever.” She could feel a deep blush creeping up her neck. “I mean, it’s nothing personal. I’m just not interested.”

A muscle worked in Dylan’s jaw. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

Madison nodded briefly, grateful that the confrontation was over. She turned to go, only to be stopped by a strong, calloused hand on her elbow. Even through the damp khaki sleeve she could feel heat spread up her arm. An unfamiliar warmth settled in her chest as her heart raced out of control. Startled, she stepped away, tugging her arm from his grasp.

“Was there something else?” Even to her own ears she sounded horribly snippy, but the embarrassment of the situation, combined with her seasickness, did away with her usual restraint.

“Just a question.”

She gave a slight nod, barely moving her head in an effort to keep her nausea under control.

“You said, ‘someone like you.’ What exactly did you mean by that?”

(C) 2008, Siren Publishing

And a quick note: I'll be off-line for the day, attending a family reunion. So, apologies in advance for not replying to comments right away. And I'll see you all tomorrow!

Monday, June 23, 2008


So there's a new book coming out -- next Monday, to be exact. It's my first with Siren, and I'm really excited about it. In case you're curious, here's the blurb to give you an idea of what it's about...


Madison McIntyre has been banished to the ends of the earth, or at least Westhaven, Washington feels that way to her. She has one month to prepare a resort plan for her company or she’ll be out of a job. She has gone incognito in the small fishing town, hoping to succeed where no co-worker has found success before.

Dylan Edwards loves living on the coast of Washington. Ever since his ex-wife ran off to the big city, he’s been raising his daughter in the small town where he grew up. He’s content with his charter-fishing business, his life, and no city girl is going to interfere with that contentment.

Neither one of them can deny the sparks that fly whenever they're together, and the passion between them is as wild and untamed as the ocean itself.

When the truth comes out, will their growing feelings survive the storm?

Sensuality Rating: SIZZLING
Genre: Contemporary Erotic Romance
Length: 45,000 words

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Freebie Friday Winner!

Congratulations to the first winner of Freebie Friday! The name was picked at random with the help of my kids (pick a number, any number...), and the winner is:


Congrats, Wendi, you've won a copy of HOOKED, my upcoming release from Siren! (Note: I'm still waiting for my author copies, but should get them any day now.) Please contact me off-blog with your preferred format and I'll send it out as soon as I have the ARCs!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Coming Soon -- Beach Blanket Blog Party!

Yep, it's that time again -- another blog party!

My newest book, Hooked, is coming out at the end of the month, and I'm throwing my biggest blog party ever. And in honor of the setting of the book -- the coast of Washington -- I'm making it a theme party.

Yes, break out the bikinis and surfboards. It's a beach blanket blog party!

Starting on Monday, June 23, be sure to stop by for excerpts, surprises, behind-the-scenes sneak peeks, and, of course prizes. All comments on the blog from the 23rd to the 30th (release day! Woot!) will earn you an entry into the prize drawing. Win cool beach-themed giveaways! Comment early, comment often!

Oh, and speaking of prizes -- today is Freebie Friday. This is your last chance to post a comment and be eligible to win this week's prize. The winner will be drawn after midnight PST. Or PDT, I can never remember. :)

Hope to see you next week!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Book BIN Tuesday -- Who's Been Sleeping In My Bed?

Who's Been Sleeping in My Bed?
June 12, 2008
Siren Publishing
Contemporary Romance
ISBN: 1-60601-043-3 E-book $6.50

What happens when a reformed bad boy discovers a racy Goldilocks sleeping in his bed on a dark and stormy night?

Jake Reynolds returns home to discover a racy Goldilocks sleeping in his bed. Instead of doing the first thing on his mind, or even the second, he hires her to organize his disorganized construction office. When his wealthy family meets the suggestively clad, polyester siren posing as Jake's assistant, they fear he's slipped back into his former role as the family bad boy.

Harlee Davis didn't know she was sleeping in Jake's bed. She was seeking refuge from two storms—the storm raging outside and the storm created by her screwed-up life. When she learns that Jake plans to demolish the very camp she’s been entrusted to preserve, Harlee mounts a crusade.

They wage a war of wills while battling their conflicting interests on a professional level, and too much interest on a sexual level. One of them stands to lose everything in a game where there is no winner.
Doesn't that sound like a lot of fun? So what are you waiting for? Do yourself a favor and Buy It Now!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

MTA Monday -- Meet Jami Davenport

NAME: Jami Davenport



TITLE OF FIRST BOOK: Who’s Been Sleeping in My Bed?

RELEASE DATE: June 12, 2008

FAVORITE WRITING STORY/SAYING/MEMORY: From Lori Foster, I keep it on my bulletin board in my study: “If you polish a book too much, it’ll be flat and shiny and smooth—and not too interesting. It’s the little pits and bumps and whatnot that show voice and make a book unique from all the other super shiny flat surfaces."


COMFORT FOOD: Barbecue Potato Chips (no kidding, it’s not chocolate!)

COMFORT READ: Mirror Image by Sandra Brown and any other good old-fashioned romance in which you can fall in love with the characters.

YOUR PERFECT DAY: 75-80 degrees, sitting in the sun on my patio in the woods and just listening to the sounds of nature.

WHAT ARE YOU WORKING ON NOW?: The Gift Horse. The 2nd in a series about the Reynolds Family. “Who’s Been Sleeping in My Bed?” is book 1 of this Series. My next release, “The Dance,” is also set in the San Juans, though not part of this series, it actually has some of the same characters and takes place prior to the events in “Who’s.” The Gift Horse features a opinionated mare, a down-and-out, disorganized horse trainer, and a reluctant horse owner. You can read a blurb about it on my website.

Thanks for joining us here today, Jami! Readers, if you have questions for Jami, post them in the comments. She'll be stopping by to chat with us.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Note to Self... not attempt to change blog format during the last week of school.

Yes, I'll be posting more in the near future. Even with all the kids home for the summer. But trying to fit blogging in with three fastpitch games, end of year paperwork for the day job, three assemblies, five appointments, and countless other interruptions was an exercise in futility.

On the bright side, the flat tire was fixable (for only $12! Woo-hoo!)

Monday, June 09, 2008

MTA Monday -- Meet Maia Strong

Happy Monday, and welcome to the debut of Meet The Author Monday here on my blog! I'm very excited about introducing you (officially) to our first debut author, Maia Strong. Now, if you're a regular here, you probably recognize the name because (a) Maia is also a regular, (b) we're friends from wayback in Real Life, and (c) I was a tad excited when she sold her first book to Samhain. Okay, that's putting it mildly. I think they could hear me screaming halfway across the country.

In any case, time has flown by, and Maia's first book is coming out with Samhain tomorrow. You can read more about The Ballad of Jimothy Redwing tomorrow during Book BIN Tuesday. Today, here's an official introduction to MTA Monday guest Maia Strong.

NAME: Maia Strong



TITLE OF FIRST BOOK: The Ballad of Jimothy Redwing

RELEASE DATE: 10 June 2008

Favorite writing saying: "It's only ink." That'll get you though some unpleasant edits. Not all of them by any means, but some of them.

FAVORITE NON-WRITING STORY/SAYING/MEMORY: That's such a big category and I suck at picking favorites most of the time. I have a crappy memory for things like that, too. On the upside, I also have a crappy memory for things like "Most embarrassing moment." Who remembers that kind of thing? I block it out. ;)

COMFORT FOOD: Potatoes. Seriously. They are the best food on the planet. Don't argue with me. You know I'm right. Baked, roasted, fried, mashed. You cannot beat the potato for sheer fabulousness.

COMFORT READ: This is going to sound a bit twisted to some—okay possibly to many—but…The Lord of the Rings. There is no better fiction out there. Not even from Stephen Fry. While I don't suppose one could ever consider it to be comforting in and of itself, I have read and reread that trilogy so many times, listened to the BBC radio production so many times, watched the movies…fewer times but still more than once. It's comforting in the way that "Apocalypse Now" is comforting (and that movie was much less scary than the 1988 presidential election coverage): I know how it ends. Even more with LotR: I know everything that's going to happen.

YOUR PERFECT DAY: Overcast and about 68 degrees. Maybe a little drizzle in the morning and sunbreaks in the afternoon. And the announcement in the evening that I've won the state lottery. … Oh. You'd like a play-by-play? Let's see…

Lazy snuggles in the bed with the cat.
Coffee or a latte around 9:00 or 9:30 while catching up on email and whatnot.
Shower—maybe some yoga first if I'm being good.
Writing at least a couple of thousand words, preferably either at the coffee shop in the bookstore up the street or at home with my kitty nearby or on my lap. That way no matter what else happens I have accomplished at least one thing in the day.
Lunch. Something loaded with cheese. Mmm…grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup! Quesadilla with corn and salsa and sour cream! Welsh rarebit! It's not potatoes, but I do love me some cheese.
More writing? Maybe some reading. Definitely some watching of Food Network!
A stroll to the grocery store during one of those sunbreaks I mentioned before to gather up something yummy for me or my hubby to cook for dinner.
Dinner with the hubby. Doesn't matter who cooks; we both like to. As long as we get to eat together, it's all good. Glass of wine. A little dessert.
A baseball game that the Mariners win.
Snuggles in bed with the hubby and the kitty.

Alternately, all of the same things, only in Edinburgh. :)

WHAT ARE YOU WORKING ON NOW?: Any number of things in various states of completion.
I have an unnamed novel that needs reading by one more beta. (I was working on stuff like the hook, blurb, and synopsis the other day in the desperate hope that this would inspire me with a title. So far, no joy there.) It's a follow-on to The Ballad of Jimothy Redwing. Set in the same country, in a different city, and showing another side of what's going on in the first novel.
I have a named novel that needs one more reading by me before going to my betas. This one is in the same universe as the others; all my stuff these days is in that world. It's nice. I like it there. That novel is based at a theatre company on the Northern Continent. There's a lot more magic in that one.

Finally, I have a multi-titled story (I think I have three possibilities at the moment.) that I started last week. We'll see if I can get it done in any reasonable length of time. I don't know how long it's going to be. I kind of hope it comes in at about 30,000-32,000. Don't ask me why. I do not know. Maybe I just want to be able to finish it quickly so that I feel all accomplished and stuff. ;)

So there you have it! Thanks, Maia, for playing along. Keep an eye out for her in the comments, and be sure to check back tomorrow for details on her new release!

Friday, June 06, 2008


Announcing some new features on the blog!

Starting next week, there are going to be a couple of new "days" added to the rotation here on Kate Davies Blogs! First up is Meet the Author Monday, also known as MTA Monday. This semi-regular post will feature a brand-new author whose first book is being released. Want to meet the fan favorites of the future? Stop by and say hello!

Of course, this won't be an every Monday event, since I don't know quite that many new authors! But I'll do my best to bring you a wide variety of newbies on at least a semi-regular basis.

The second "day" joining MTA Monday and Book BIN Tuesday is Freebie Friday! Yes, I'll be giving away prizes on Fridays -- a book, a little gift, something fun for the week. How can you become eligible for a prize? Post on the blog! Everyone who posts a comment during the previous week will be entered in the drawing.

Note: Again, I can't promise I'll have a post and prize every single Friday. However, if I do miss a week, all posters will be entered in the following week's drawing. Fair enough?

Hope to see you stopping by -- and posting -- soon!

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Maia's Blog Party!

For regular readers of this blog, you know I host a week-long blog party prior to each new release. Well, new author and friend Maia Strong has her first book release next week, and she's hosting a blog party to celebrate! Just head on over to Maia's Blog and comment for a chance to win some of her fabulous prizes!

Just an FYI -- I've read her upcoming book, The Ballad of Jimothy Redwing and it rocks. It's coming out on June 10 and I highly recommend it.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Book BIN Tuesday -- The Power of Love

Special Anthology
Trade Paperback
Berkley Trade - June 3, 2008
ISBN-10: 0425221482
ISBN-13: 978-0425221488

12 Original Stories by Lori Foster, Erin McCarthy, Toni Blake, Dianne Castell, Karen Kelley, Rosemary Laurey, Luanne McLane, Janice Maynard, Lucy Monroe, Patricia Sargeant, Kay Stockham & J.C. Wilder

In this engaging anthology of never-before-published stories, twelve award-winning and bestselling authors are united by their unique visions of the resilient woman and her quest for self, for fulfillment, for empowerment, and for an enriching new appreciation for what love really means—and why it matters.A young woman is torn between the overbearing security of her fiancé and the excitement of an old flame...a desperate wife is forced into the workplace for the first time in her ambitious professional woman finally finds the courage to take control of her career—and her emotionally fragile divorcee finds resolve in the ethereal visitations of an archangel. These are just some of the women who discover and rediscover their wonderfully fallible selves in the shadow of love—romantic love, platonic love, new love, and lost love. You'll be touched, inspired, charmed, and amused by these twelve original stories of disparate longings, unsettled lives, and the power of love.
Twelve great stories by twelve great authors -- and all for a good cause, too. Do I even need to tell you to go Buy It Now?