My claim to fame. After all, how many authors can both write fictional characters, and be one at the same time? :)
My claim to fame. After all, how many authors can both write fictional characters, and be one at the same time? :)
No, not the ones I miss because I forget they're on or the kids have commandeered the remote again (although those are legion...) These are the shows I loved when they were on and miss watching them now.
1. Anything But Love. Clever banter, fun secondary characters, and the sparks between Marty and Hannah lit up the screen. When he sent her the bottle of rain -- sigh!
2. Caroline in the City. More clever banter, more fun secondary characters, and a great will-they-or-won't-they relationship between cartoonist Caroline and her colorist Richard. (I think I have a thing for sardonic, Eeyore-like heroes -- at least in my sitcoms!)
3. Cheers. Where everybody knows your name! Great, long-lasting characters (as evidenced by my choice for #5).
4. The Drew Carey Show. I especially loved the musical numbers. And Joe Walsh was an inspired casting choice!
5. Frasier. Hands down, the best comedy writing on TV during its tenure. Also features some of the best romantic tension around, in the Niles-pining-for-Daphne years. Personal faves -- The Ski Lodge, Moon Dance, Something Borrowed Someone Blue.
6. Friends. Must-see TV lived up to the name in this show! I loved season 5 -- the Monica and Chandler hookup season. Yes, I'm a sucker for romantic comedy. What, you couldn't tell that already? :)
7. Horatio Hornblower. Yes, I know, technically a miniseries, or string of related movies, or whatever, but I loved 'em! Especially with the yummy Ioan Gruffudd captaining the ship. Rowrl.
8. Lois and Clark: The New Adventures Of Superman. A fun, fresh, flirty version of the comic book fave. Plus Dean Cain in a delish Superman outfit. And yes, another romantic liaison to sigh over.
Never underestimate the blonde.
"The British spy is elegant, suave and sophisticated. The British spy is not blonde, built, and confused."