Monday, December 31, 2007
Last Year's Resolutions -- How'd I Do?
1. Write every day. May have to participate in Club 100 just to kick start the habit again.
Nope. Got an unexpected, new day job in January that killed my writing schedule. Love the job, hate the lack of writing time.
2. Write at least two new manuscripts in 2007.
Wrote one, edited two for publication.
3. Sell at least two manuscripts in 2007.
4. Start up the great agent safari once again.
5. Turn my website over to someone who knows what they're doing. I love fiddling with my site but it's time to let the professionals take over!
Uhhh...obviously, I have control issues. Nope.
6. Work out, for real, three times a week minimum. No more "lowest setting on the recumbent bike so I can read" fake-outs.
:: whistles, twiddles thumbs, looks off innocently into the distance... ::
7. In the same vein, actually WIN the Wellness Challenge in at least one category this year. I'm tired of missing first place by two or three points. I'm in it for the COIN, baby!
Second again. Sigh.
8. Find and destroy the cobwebs before DH can point them out.
(Better not let him see this list...)
9. Continue Date Night at least once a month with DH.
Actually did pretty well with this one. Missed a couple, but not for lack of trying.
10. Start planning meals more than an hour in advance, and limit eating out to no more than once a week.
Dang! Did I actually write this one down? Better put it on this year's list.
11. Create a business and promo plan, and stick to it.
Kinda sorta, though I know I need a better one...
12. Keep up with birthdays and anniversaries.
Fairly good at this one.
13. Read more romance! (Okay, I'll fess up. I threw this one in there so I'd be sure to accomplish at least one goal this year.)
Aaaand I was right! :)
Now on to this year's list. I'll keep it simple:
1. Write more frequently.
2. Finish at least two books.
3. Sell at least two books.
4. Improve healthy living -- exercise more, eat right.
5. Be better about participating on lists, blogs, etc.
6. Read more romance! (I think I'll keep this one on my list every year. It's so nice to know I'll actually reach one of my goals!)
How about you? Any resolutions?
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Save Big at MBaM!
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Done, Done, Done, Done
I finished my book last night, at about 1:30 am (does that make it this morning? I don't think I've gone to bed before 2 am since Christmas Eve, so I really can't tell anymore). Typed the last line, saved it to my thumb drive, loaded it on the computer that's hooked to the Internet, and sent it off to my beta reader.
Now I'm just waiting for the response so I can fix any glaring errors before sending it to my lovely, understanding, patient editor. Did I mention patient?
So I'm actually surfing the net tonight, polishing up an old article I forgot to send to the family magazine I write for from time to time (it's a 'how to travel with kids' article, and if it's not sent in before the end of the year, I can't write off the trip on my taxes), enjoying a nice glass of Gewurztraminer, and thinking about going to bed before midnight.
Ah, bliss!
Hope everyone is having a nice, relaxing, stress-free evening.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Monday, December 24, 2007
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Book BIN, um, Wednesday...
Monday, December 17, 2007
Blog Party -- Excerpt #2 (it's almost here!)
Blog Party -- Happy Anniversary, Sweetie!
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Blog Party -- Never Seen Before Excerpt!
Friday, December 14, 2007
Blog Party -- Home For Christmas Blurb!
She knows Ethan would be more than happy to keep her company. But he's her business partner – and her late husband's best friend. It's past time to stop leaning on him and learn to stand on her own two feet. A cruise to the Caribbean might be just the ticket to discovering who she is now, and what she really wants.
Ethan is stunned to discover that Sophia has decided to go on a cruise for Christmas – alone. He'd thought that something more was finally developing between the two of them. If she's ready to move on after the loss of her husband, he'll be damned if he lets her move on without him!
On the spur of the moment, Ethan books a stateroom, determined to prove to Sophia that what they have goes far beyond friendship. The romantic atmosphere of the cruise sparks a passion the two had only dreamed of before – but can their fledgling relationship survive beyond the vacation of a lifetime?
Warning, this title contains the following: explicit sex, graphic language (but don’t tell my mom).
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Blog Party -- Thirteen Things About Home For Christmas!
1. It's my first Christmas-themed story.
2. It's included in THE PERFECT GIFT, the 2007 Samhain holiday anthology.
3. It's one of the only books by Samhain to be released in print first, then e-book.
4. THE PERFECT GIFT has been on the Amazon top twenty romance anthologies bestsellers list since September.
5. My mom and her best friend gave me the original idea for the story, although I've changed it so much I doubt they'll recognize it now.
6. Ethan and Sophia are both a bit older than the typical romance hero and heroine -- and I adore them because of it.
7. I love the idea of going on a Christmas cruise, though I've never had the opportunity.
8. Home For Christmas is one of five stories in THE PERFECT GIFT -- and I'm not exaggerating when I say I love each one of the other stories.
9. The brilliant Anne Cain created the cover, which I absolutely adore. It rocks.
10. I'll be sharing a blurb and some excerpts over the next couple of days.
11. There's an interview on The Romance Studio that goes into a little more detail about the book. Stop by and check it out!
12. I'll be giving away some prizes at the end of the blog party, to celebrate the release of my new book. Every comment you post is an entry into the drawing. So stop by and post!
13. The e-book version will be available on December 18!
Blog Party -- Home For Christmas Week!
Monday, December 10, 2007
Book BIN Tuesday -- Gearing Up For The Holidays!

Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Thursday Thirteen #35 -- Flood Edition

Tuesday, December 04, 2007
I Take It Back.
Monday, December 03, 2007
See, we had tickets to Van Halen tonight. With David Lee Roth. The DH and I saw Van Halen a few years ago, with Sammy Hagar singing lead, and we were both looking forward to being able to compare the two shows. Plus, it's David Lee Roth! Singing Ain't Talkin' 'Bout Love! (Which is my favorite Van Halen song. Even when it's a bluegrass version. Couldn't find it on YouTube, but if you scroll down on the previous link, you can listen to a clip.)
So why am I not at the concert? Oh, record floods, hurricane force winds, school closures, the main highway through the state shut down for probably the next 36 hours...
Can't really say "the usual", can I? :)
Well, it's for the best. I would *not* have liked getting to the concert venue an hour and a half away from home and discovering I couldn't get back before tomorrow night. But boy, I hated eating those tickets. Sigh.
So how's your week starting out?
Sunday, December 02, 2007
A New Interview!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Guest Blogger - Jillian

Monday, November 26, 2007
Book BIN Tuesday -- Deal With This!
Jillian just can't understand it. Sure, Alan is six-feet-something of chiseled ruggedness with gray eyes and an irresistible growl in his voice. But hello? She doesn't do relationships—even of the casual kind—with men who impact more than her senses. No one is getting a chance at her heart. Especially not one of her renters. Still, there's nothing wrong with enjoying Alan from afar—but not too far, or she wouldn't be able to fully appreciate his rock-hard abs when he's working out in the home gym. If only he didn't make her feel safe and oh so right when they touched...
Deal With This. Available today at bookstores everywhere. So run on out and Buy It Now!
***Special Note*** Stop by on Thursday when Lucy Monroe will be guest blogging!
Thursday, November 22, 2007
1. My family.
2. My health.
3. Being a working writer. It may not be my only job, but I'm so thankful I get this opportunity to share my writing beyond my best friend and my husband.
4. Having such a close relationship with my parents. They're the best.
5. Having fabulous in-laws.
6. Basic necessities.
7. Being able to read, and having so many wonderful books to choose from.
8. Having great, supportive friends.
9. Chocolate.
10. Travel.
11. My fuzzy yellow bathrobe.
12. Once a month Date Night.
13. YOU!
If you're a fellow American, I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. If you're from outside the US, have a great weekend and I'll be back blogging soon!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Book BIN Tuesday -- Pretend You Love Me
Saturday, November 17, 2007
My Newest Musical Crush....
Never one to back down from a challenge like that, I looked him up on YouTube.
She's right, dammit. He's amazing.
See for yourself:
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Thursday Thirteen #34 -- Booksigning Edition
Monday, November 12, 2007
Book BIN Tuesday -- Giving Chase
So last week I sat down and read it. (Note to editor: I read it on the exercise bike at the club. No writing time was sacrificed for the reading of this book.)
Saturday, November 10, 2007
My New Favorite Site...
I'm also a big fam of donating time and money to worthy causes.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Thursday Thirteen #33 -- Everybody in the Pool!
1. It's inside. No more freezing my behind off on the soccer field.
2. The pool viewing area is warm. See note above.
3. I like watching my kids enjoy being in the water.
4. Living in the Pacific Northwest, and owning a boat, swimming is a survival skill.
5. Two hours of no arguments over computer time and television, twice a week.
6. I can write on my Dana and still keep an eye on the kids.
7. My kids look forward to it.
8. Swimming plus shower equals no bath night!
9. It tires them out right before bed.
10. Getting our money's worth out of our health club membership.
11. Keeps them active in the months between soccer and fastpitch.
12. They're actually getting better with each session.
13. Makes me look forward to the summer, and vacation time.
Monday, November 05, 2007
Book BIN Tuesday -- Love and Lore
I admit it.
I'm a sucker for anything Celtic. Celtic design, Celtic jewelry, Celtic tradition, Celtic stories.
Especially Celtic stories.
That's why I was so excited to see that Samhain's second anniversary anthology, Love and Lore, is all about the Celts. :)
Here's the blurb:
Journey to the heart of Celtic legend.
Samhain is pleased to celebrate its second anniversary with three novellas that will lure you into the labyrinth of Celtic myth and legend.
In WILDISH THINGS, Carolan Ivey brings together an artist who is wounded in both body and spirit, and a sexy Irish bad boy on a Harley. Their whirlwind fling across Ireland takes a dangerous turn when their sexual chemistry awakens the deadly lust of an ancient goddess.
Gia Dawn’s offering of A FAIRY SPECIAL GIFT has it all: A woman who can see fairies and wishes she couldn’t, and a man who promises to help her with her “problem”-for the price of a kiss. Stir in the Celtic god Lugh who wants the woman for himself, rowdy flock of untamed pixies, and a pining Banshee in need of a makeover, and let’s just say there aren’t enough fairy traps in the world to control the chaos.
The HEART OF THE SEA beckons in Sela Carsen’s take on the Selkie legend. When a woman accidentally falls into the sea and turns into a seal, the man she loves believes her drowned. Seven years later, she rescues him from a shipwreck and for one blissful night, she returns to her human form. But only for a night. Can true love overcome the Selkie curse?
All three stories sound fabulous, don't they? You can buy them individually as e-books, or collected in the print anthology. Either way, I think you should go ahead and Buy (Them) Now!
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Best. Meeting. Ever.
We had an experts panel, and let me tell you, it completely blew me away. In one room, we had:
A female patrol officer
A homicide detective
An EMT/firefighter
A former Ranger/Green Beret
A former pro bull rider/Marine sniper
I don't think I stopped taking notes all evening. My hand's still a little cramped up. It was AMAZING.
This is one of many, many reasons I love my RWA chapter.
And don't be surprised to find some heroes/heroines in these professions in my books sometime in the future. :)
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Unofficial Thursday Thirteen -- Hannah Montana Edition
- The curtain moved! AAAAAAAH!
- Look! It's a roadie! EEEEEEEEK!
- Wow! There's an HP commercial on the big screen! WOOOOOOO!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Book BIN Tuesday -- Warning! Fangrrrl Moment!
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Meet Me Next Week!
Stop by and say hello -- if you tell me you heard about the signing on my blog, you'll get a special reader's gift!
270 Southcenter Shopping Center
Seattle, WA 98188
Phone: 206.248.0886
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Thursday Thirteen #32 -- Neil Young Edition
1. The venue seated at most 7000 people. I liked it better than being in a huge arena in the nosebleeds.
2. It was definitely the anti-arena show. Odd, industrial-looking set that seemed cobbled together of random pieces of machinery and letter shapes, no fireworks or special effects, just Neil and his music.
3. Of the entire opening set, performed by Pegi Young, my favorite song was the second performed.
4. At the end of the song, she announced that it was the one that WASN'T on her album.
5. I really like Like A Hurricane.
6. The concert was performed in two sets -- acoustic and electric. Nice way to highlight both sides of Neil.
7. It may seem counterintuitive, but I actually felt more sleepy during the rock-out electric set.
8. Am I getting old? I can stay up til all hours on the computer, but put me in a dark concert hall with music being played, and I'm ready for a nap.
9. Loved Cinnamon Girl.
10. Wished he'd played my all time favorite, The Needle and The Damage Done.
11. Absent that, my favorite of the night was probably From Hank to Hendrix.
12. At the end of the second set, random letters of the backdrop lit up. Spelled out? Neil. :)
13. My next concert experience will be VERY different. Tune in next week for details.
And the Winners Are...
Congratulations to the following winners, one chosen from each birthday post:
Monday, October 22, 2007
Book BIN Tuesday -- The Best Man
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Why I Went to the Health Club Today....
My middle child decided to write a play about Christopher Columbus. I was even offered a part. My choice --
(a) The Santa Maria
(b) Land.
Prizes announced tomorrow. Stay Tuned! :)
Friday, October 19, 2007
Argh! And Last Chance to Enter My Birthday Contest
So I'm more than a little frustrated. They'd better get things straightened out soon, or I'm really going to lose it. (h/t to Angie for the link to the article!)
On a happier note, you've got until midnight tonight to post a comment on my blog (any post from this week) in order to be in the running for a prize. And to get the conversation going, here's a question for you:
What's the worst customer service experience you've had?
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Thursday Thirteen #31 -- Birthday Edition!

1. Slippers
2. A bottle of Gewurztraminer
3. Three great-smelling hand soaps
4. A white shirt and brown trouser outfit
5. A green, sparkly, already-sharpened pencil
6. The last piece of watermelon bubble gum
7. Two print blouses
8. My youngest's favorite Wiggles video ("you can watch it whenever you want!")
9. Khaki dress slacks
10. Dinner from Arby's so I didn't have to cook
11. A "book bag" made out of printer paper and transparent tape
12. A dozen cut-out hearts artistically draped over the living room chair
13. A ton of hugs and kisses!
Yes, I was spoiled -- and loved every minute of it! And to keep the fun going, I'm holding a blog contest through Friday at midnight. Anyone who posts between now and then is in the drawing for a prize! So be sure to drop by this weekend to see if you've won!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Celebration Time!
Monday, October 15, 2007
Book BIN Tuesday -- Along for the Ride
Photographer, Ryan Andrews, has had a crush on the sexy detective since he first took her photograph by accident at a crime scene. That picture became headline news and she hasn’t talked to him since. He’s tried everything to get her attention, even enlisted the help of her sister. Nothing works. When opportunity presents itself, he’s left with little choice. But is blackmailing a cop into marriage really a good idea?
Cover Love...
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Kate and Lucy's Excellent Adventure
(a) we wanted to maintain some of our mystique
(b) I forgot my camera.
You pick. :)
So this morning I bundled up the kidlets and headed on down the freeway to Lucy's place, ready for a day of fun. (Or, as my youngest called it, "our playdate". LOL!) Traffic was moving along at a great clip until I hit the bridge into town, when a wreck several miles further down the road clogged up EVERYTHING. Several hours later (okay, not really, but it sure felt like it!), we arrived.
Lucy was a fabulous hostess, as usual, and we spent the day bopping around town, children (hers and mine) in tow. First lunch, then a detour to pick up spouse with broken car, then to Target (shopping! yay!), then back to the house for a dip in the hot tub and a chat (tough with kids demanding attention, but we managed), then a snack, then I hit the road for the long drive home. Made longer by a wreck several miles down the road. Sigh.
I had a great time, and came away with these basic truths:
(a) Lucy is an all-around wonderful person.
(b) So are all her kids, and her DH.
(c) She lives too far away.
(d) Always bring more than two DVDs for the car ride.
Tomorrow's soccer, then family get-together. Here's wishing everyone a great weekend!
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Thursday Thirteen #30 -- October Edition!
1. Cold, crisp, fall days.
2. Chili in the crock pot and fresh bread from the bread machine.
11. Did I mention Halloween candy?
12. Holiday decorating. (Just for Halloween/harvest time. I won't pull out the Christmas decor until the day after Thanksgiving, thankyouverymuch.)
13. Trick or treating with the kids!
Monday, October 08, 2007
Book BIN Tuesday -- The Dark Is Rising
Monday, Monday...
On the positive side, there's no school on Friday, so the kids and I are heading down the freeway to visit one of my favorite people in the whole world, Lucy Monroe. So there's something great to look forward to at the end of my hectic week.
So what's your plan for the week? Anything exciting to share?
Friday, October 05, 2007
Blogging On Glomming...

Thursday, October 04, 2007
Thursday Thirteen #29 -- Banned Books Week Edition
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Banned Books Week -- and a contest!
Monday, October 01, 2007
Book BIN Tuesday -- Damn You, Suz Brockmann!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Thursday Thirteen #28 -- Girls Night Out report!

6. Most repeated comment of the evening:

10. The hot tamales were a big hit! (If you can't read the label, it says, "...because a little spice is nice!", with my name and web address on it.) I was glad, because staying up until 2 a.m. filling little cellophane bags with candy is a bit of a pain. Ah, the glamorous life of an author...
11. Funniest moment: a woman walks up with a big smile on her face. "I understand you (meaning writers) sometimes come into the schools and give talks." I held up my copy of my book and said, "I don't think I'd bring this into the schools." She said, "Oh, sorry!", blushed, and literally ran away.
12. Our table, left to right: Gerri Russell, Ann DeFee, Susan Lyons, and me. The table on the other side of the signing (sorry, no pic!): Cherry Adair, Pat White, and Elizabeth Boyle. Couldn't make it: Dawn Calvert, my chaptermate and a fabulous author who got sick. :(