I didn't grow up with the rodeo. Oh, I think my family got tickets to the rodeo maybe once when I was growing up, but it wasn't a typical event for us. And though I loved riding horses (even went to "horse camp" one summer), we never owned horses or any livestock, for that matter.
So every Labor Day weekend, we schlep halfway across the state to the rodeo. There are cousins and aunts and uncles and grandparents and friends and...the list goes on. It's like a family reunion, but with horses and bulls in the background.
And I love it.
We have a great time, hanging out together, while someone always writes down the stats for each ride, and the cousins try to get the attention of the rodeo clowns, and I take surreptitious photos of the cowboys (for research purposes, of course). I pull the cowboy hat out of storage and wear it with pride.

And that's how Sam Quincannon came into being.
As for Cody, well, I think it was the abundance of Wranglers that inspired his character. ;)
I didn't grow up with the rodeo, but my kids are, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
I'm always saddened by the loss of life in the pursuit of a good time.
What state/country are you located in? Texas? Wyoming? Canada?
Do you have a favorite competion that you like to see?
Only been to one rodeo but it was fun. Lots of noise and dust and events happen quickly. Cowboys are always a good choice for a main character.
I've only ever read about the rodeo in books. One day I'll have to make sure to go in person!
I have only actually seen the rodeos on TV. I lived in Calgary for 5 years and I did go to the stampede...just didn't watch any of the events! I am not a big one for crowds. And I was always saddened when the animals were hurt. See for me, humans know what they are doing. If they decide to do something stupid? Their fault. The animals? That just kills me. They don't have a choice :(
Good way to keep a theme around family time! (not to mention a good way to keep everyone from getting on everyone else's last nerve :) )
I've never been to one on except seeing one on tv but it is something I'd like to get experience.
Good way to keep a theme around family time! (not to mention a good way to keep everyone from getting on everyone else's last nerve :) )
I've never been to one on except seeing one on tv but it is something I'd like to get experience.
My grandfather loved going to the rodeo, and I went with him a lot while I was growing up, though I haven't been back lately.
I have only seen a rodeo on TV but that sounds like a great way for the family to get together and have fun.
I have only watched it on TV, but hopefully this year i will be able to go! I cannot wait to see it all up front and personal.
What your family does sounds wonderful, i wish we had reunions like that...
I haven't attended a rodeo but it looks wonderful and special. Loved the photos.
I've never been to a rodeo (not many in my part of southern Ontario) but my goal is to one of these days to make it out to the Calgary Stampede. (I love Calgary. For that matter I love cowboy stories)
Looking forward to The Devil Inside's release, Kate!
Never been to a rodeo. The rodeo was here at Madison Square Garden earlier in the month, but I missed it.
Never been to a rodeo, lucky you. The book looks GREAT. That's one way to have a family reunion.
Congrats on the release.
I've never been to a rodeo (I live in Ohio), but I'm sure I would love it.
Rhonda :)
I've seen rodeos on the TV but have not actually been to one. Cowboys are so sexy, aren't they in their Stetson hat, neckerchief and of course, jeans!
I've been to a fair number of rodeos as I live in cowboy country.
I've been to indoor rodeos and to outdoor rodeos. I've also been to the rodeo at the Calgary Stampede as was mentioned. We also have brandings around where I live and horse trail rides. I'm going to enjoy this book for sure.
Hey Leah, I'm from Southern Ontario as well. My family went to a rodeo a couple of years ago and I went to one several years ago with a friend. I also try to catch them on TV. I love them! Horses, country music and cowboys, three of my favourite things! I also hope to make it to the Calgary Stampede sometime soon and maybe a trip to Texas.
That's a fantastic way to have family get togethers Kate. You are very lucky. I've never been to a rodeo but would love to see one someday.
I always enjoyed western themed books, both contemporary and 'Old West' ones.
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