I hope you've got your party hats on and the champagne cooling -- because today starts Blog Party 2009!
Yes, in just one short week The Devil Inside will be available at Samhain Publishing. Yee-haw!

I'm so excited about this book. It was a labor of love -- and sweat, and tears, and...
See, it started out as a novella. But my lovely editor had some specific--and very helpful--suggestions on my first round of edits. So after much writing and revising, it's now almost 15K words longer. And much deeper, more emotional, and (I think) an all-around better book.
A book I'm proud of. A book I can't wait for y'all to get a peek at. A book that's coming out January 27.
So to celebrate, I'm throwing the Mother of All Blog Parties. Stay tuned to this station for excerpts, insider sneak peaks, background info, and hot cowboys. As always, everyone who posts is entered into a drawing to win excellent prizes. Each comment is good for one entry. So the more you post, the more chances you have to win!
And that starts with this post. So my first question is -- what book are you most looking forward to right now? (And no, you don't have to say TDI. *grin*)
In fact, I'll start. MY "can't-wait" book is actually coming out the same day as mine. The subject of quite a big kerfuffle on the intertubes, it's Suz Brockmann's Dark of Night. I haven't been strong enough to avoid the spoilers (bad Kate! Bad!), but they haven't dimmed my anticipation.
I'll probably celebrate my own release by heading to the nearest bookstore -- half an hour's drive away -- to pick up a copy.
Okay, your turn. What book are you tapping your fingers impatiently for while you count down the days?
What a great (and difficult) question! I'd say at the moment, I'm most looking forward to Lora Leigh's Maverick...and her Nauti Intentions. Oh I can't choose. I have so many more on my wish list!
I'll definitely be checking out The Devil Inside. I love your books, Kate :-)
There are so many on my wishlist that are coming out soon. The Devil Inside sounds great too so now its added.
But the one I am most looking forward to is The Shadow Queen by Anne Bishop.
Woot! Dark of Night has Jules in it! :D ::happy dance::
As for your question, I have to admit the book I'm waiting for with greatest anticipation is my own. ;) I'm so jazzed to be in "real" print in April! Meantime, I revel in your latest release. ::happy dances again:: (There are so many reasons to happy dance today!)
I can't wait for the release of Karen Rose's "Kill For Me."
Coyote's Mate by Lora Leigh
Lora Leigh is my #1 auto buy and I am eagerly waiting for her next 3 books: Naughty Intentions, Maverick, and Coyote's Mate.
Rachel Vincent's Pride!! There are a crap load more but I can't remember of course!
Thanks, everyone! I've been busily scribbling down titles on my TBB list.
See, these are dangerous questions for me to ask, because I always end up with more books every time...
The Shadow Queen by Anne Bishop and Fool by Christopher Moore.
I'm currently reading Brockmann's "Kiss & Tell" ...so, I want the next one in the "Sunrise" trilogy "The Kissing Game" closely followed by "Otherwise Engaged".
I love her books!
I am waiting for the next Carolyn Jewel book and one by Alyssa Day her next Atlantis books.
Lots of great books coming out soon, one that I am really looking forward to is Coyote's Mate by Lora Leigh.
I am awaiting The Ladies lending Library by Janice Kulyk Keefer.
Julie Miller's Kansas City Christmas,
Paula Roe's Forgotten Marriage,
Sarita Leone's Snowdance
and many more.
I am also looking forward to Brockmann's next book and of course The Devil Inside. I have so many books on my TBB list and in my TBR pile that I'm trying not to look at upcoming release dates. I need to get caught up and it's a never-ending job. LOL
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