Thursday, February 26, 2009

Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Book BIN Tuesday -- A Month From Miami

Looks like fun, doesn't it? Why not head over to My Bookstore and More and Buy It Now?
Sunday, February 22, 2009
We have a winner!
Please send me your address off-blog so I can mail out your heart-shaped wine charms.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Welcome to My World of Dreams: What, When, Where, Why, How with Kate Davies
Welcome to My World of Dreams: What, When, Where, Why, How with Kate Davies
Monday, February 16, 2009
MTA Monday/Book BIN Tuesday -- A Vivi Andrews Twofer!
FAVORITE WRITING STORY/SAYING/MEMORY: Many moons ago, while sitting in a Kumbaya circle at a writing workshop, the presenter asked us each to write down three sets of three. 1) Three things that, if you could wave your magic wand and give them to everyone on the planet, would make the world a better place. 2) Three things that you would eliminate with your magic wand to make the world a better place. 3) Three things that make you happy, just because. Then we went around and shared our answers. They ran the gamut from Money to Puppies to Self-Respect. We were granting people Freedom and Understanding and taking away their Guns, Bigotry, and Embarrassing Bodily Functions. We got completely (and passionately) off the topic of writing, and then the presenter stood up and said, “The Threes are the things that really matter to you. If you aren’t writing about them, why aren’t you?” So whenever I start to drift, I sit down and write out a new set of Threes. Then I know what to write.
COMFORT FOOD: My dad’s spaghetti & chocolate cupcakes – though not at the same time.
COMFORT READ: Anything by Jennifer Crusie or Julia Quinn. Or Christopher Moore… Or Jasper Fforde… Or Stephanie Rowe… Or D.H. Lawrence. Or Jane Austen.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Which Would You Choose?
Samhellion Swag Hunt -- Visit my site!
Readers, can you help our authors?
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Book BIN Tuesday -- Dark of Night
I just have one question.
How long do I have to wait before I can read it again?
I mean, I already killed Saturday night and most of Sunday devouring it for the first time. (The scheduled basement cleanup from the Great Flood That Didn't Happen of 2009? Uh, yeah. That.)
And I'm just itching to dive into it again.
Loved it.
I'm not going to get into the spoilers (others have done so far better than I would), but for the record I was totally Switzerland regarding the whole Dave/Sophia/Decker thing. I just trusted that Suz would make it work, whatever direction she took the storyline. And boy, did she. DON is easily one of my favorites of the Troubleshooters series so far. And I had no expectation of that happening as I picked up the book Saturday night. Yee-haw.
So if you've been on the fence about DON, or, like me, trapped in the "printing error meant we sent all our copies back and have no idea when the corrected version will be available" nightmare -- in FOUR DIFFERENT BOOKSTORES -- do yourself a favor and hunt a copy down. You won't be sorry. So go. Go Buy It Now!
Friday, February 06, 2009
Reception Retread

Monday, February 02, 2009
And Now -- The Winners!